Sunday, December 20, 2009


The other day I was exploring the iTunes store and I discovered the wonders of the Podcast. It's incredible: you can listen to hour-long lectures, ten minute clips from radio shows, and a ton of other cool things, all for free. All you have to do is double click!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why is the current American belief system mean this way: "I don't believe it" = "You're wrong if you believe it" + "you shouldn't be able to express those beliefs"? I think we should open our minds a little. It is extremely annoying to find such intolerance to different people and ideas in the US, when at the same time we claim to be the most accepting and the most innovative country in the world!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Education in America

Why is it that in this country rich with supposed educational opportunities, the education at the high school level is behind the rest of the world? Many students complain about having to get up each morning for school; many teachers complain about having to teach each day with a small paycheck. If students and teachers woke up and realized how wonderful the educational system could be, Americans would be much more educated and appreciative of learning opportunities.